Edward Said's 'Leaving Palestine' JM Coetzee's 'Disgrace' Susan Ram in Frontline. 11/28/99 On Herodotus' Histories Shunya on the father of history and lies Lawrence James' `Raj: The Making and Unmaking of British India' The Mammaries of the Welfare State The Lexus and the Olive Tree Paul Krugman dissects Thomas Friedman's paean to Globalization Háfiz of Shiraz The translator's account of her encounter with Háfiz and Ghazal Max Weber's View of Objectivity in Social Science 'Nuff said Kafka's Laughter David A. Westbrook on Kafka's relevance in our world Always on Top Edward Said on revisionist views of Empire Archives of Horror Charles Simic on Susan Sontag's "Regarding the Pain of Others" Credulity James Wood on Life of Pi by Yann Martel Straw Dogs First chapter of the book by John Gray (Terry Eagleton review, Jason Cowley review) The Rest is Silence Hermione Lee tackles Elizabeth Costello by JM Coetzee (excerpt) Roots of Terror Terry Eagleton reviews several books on Radical Islam A Frog's Life Has Coetzee finally met his match in critic James Wood? Come Hungry, Leave Edgy Sukhdev Sandhu reviews the history of Brick Lane Once Upon A Time In Africa K Anthony Appiah on Nelson Mandela's folktales Hold Your Tongue Mark Abley listens to the world's endangered languages in Spoken Here World on Fire How exporting free market democracy breeds ethnic hatred and global instability (Reviews: Salon.com, B&N) In the Waiting Room of History Is the non-West doomed never to be quiet modern? Ashawo Stories of an African bar-girl From Babel to Dragomans William Dalrymple reads Bernard Lewis The World is Round John Gray on what is wrong with Thomas L. Friedman How to Manipulate a Man Tim Adams reads Slow Man by JM Coetzee Not So Sita After All Ramya Sarma (Daily News & Analysis) on Usha Alexander's debut novel The Uncertainty Principle Pankaj Mishra reads Slow Man by JM Coetzee "The Eyes" Have It Sarah Daniels (The Valley Social) on Usha Alexander's debut novel The Plausibility of Life Hox genes and evolving views of evolution The Wonder That Was India Shunya on Pankaj Mishra's Buddha The Bold and the Beautiful Shunya on the Aeneid of Virgil The Reach of Reason Shunya on Amartya Sen's idea of India Books@Google
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Excerpts : The Stony Temple of Materialism Letter from Tagore to his wife Giving Offense: Essays on Censorship by J. M. Coetzee Anil's Ghost by Michael Ondaatje Call If You Need Me by Raymond Carver (Uncollected Fiction and Prose) Soul Mountain by Gao Xingjian Istanbul Boy Aziz Nesin's stories The Revolt of the Masses by Jose Ortega y Gasset, 1930 The Majorca Hospital by Mohammed Choukri The Book of the Dead Funerary texts from ancient Egypt Date Rape's Other Victim An excerpt from Katie Roiphe's The Morning After: Sex, Fear, and Feminism on Campus Orange People Tim Guest on growing up under the influence of the Bhagwan Rajneesh. The Annals Tacitus on the Roman Emperors Augustus and Tiberius A Common Humanity: Thinking about love and truth and justice Excerpt from the book by Raimond Gaita As A Woman Grows Older JM Coetzee provides another episode for fans of Elizabeth Costello Laughing Matters James Wood traces the roots of humor and argues that tragi-comedy is a modern invention The Blue Bedspread by Rajkamal Jha Persepolis Marjane Satrapi's 'graphic novel' on Iran Only the Eyes are Mine "Poignant, ornate and horrifying. A mesmerizing debut work" by Usha Alexander Bare Branches What happens when sex selection leaves a nation with significantly more men than women? The Rise of Islam And The Bengal Frontier 1204-1760 by Richard M. Eaton Noam Chomsky Archive ZMag hosts writings, interviews, audio/visual material etc Sam's Happy Days John Calders, a friend of Samuel Beckett, remembers (An Appreciation of Samuel Beckett by John Montague) Storyteller of the Savannah The Guardian on Chinua Achebe Marcus Tullius Cicero (c. 106-143 BCE) Warrior of the Imagination Nadine Gordimer and the South African experience On Edward Said (1935-2003) Michael Wood remembers Aesthetic Ketman Christopher Hitchens on Czeslaw Milosz The Deconstruction of Derrida The termination of a narrative Once a Tamil Immigrant Girl Another side of South Asian-American fiction in Mary Anne Mohanraj The Antilles: Fragments of Epic Memory Naipaul: Our Universal Civilization Ajami: Naipaul's Search of Islam The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus Advice to a Young Artist A quiet record of a personal history Dostoevsky as Philosopher A lecture by Jay Gallagher What we think of America Non-American writers express their opinions Retrospect: the World Cup of Rugby JM Coetzee on the South African victory of 1995 History "from the Inside" Nadine Gordimer on literature and history Hermeneutics This! A 'native informer' takes on post-oriental 'scholars' of Hinduism Vijayanagar, Sir Vidia, and the Strange Passion of Mr. Dalrymple Farrukh Dhondy berates denials of schism (letters) Another Epic, Another India Githa Hariharan on the Tamil epic poem Silappadikaram Art, Truth & Politics Harold Pinter's Nobel lecture Holiday Books 2000 (NYT) Luminarium Medieval English Literature Imre Kertész Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2002 Well Loved Popular vote ranks the top-50 novels-by-women Erratic Impact Philosophy Research Base The Library of Congress Online Catalog Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology The Great Books of Western Civilization Essays on the Philosophy of Science Electronic Scholarly Publishing Arab Literature A vade-mecum of online Arab literature, past and present Philosophy & Literature A daily review of arts and ideas World Literature Today Journal from Oklahoma, 'an important window to the world for over seventy-five years' Asia Society's Reading List on India Bestselling Books & Music on India DK Agencies' database on Indian publications in English Motilal Banarasidass Indological Publishers SaralSoft, Software about India