Israel's Other Palestinian Problem We Are Bandits Guilty of Murder The Great US Election Disaster The Last Taboo on the Middle East Ugarit, the birthplace of the Alphabet The Original Arabs, The Bedouin The Truth About the Environment? Inadequate Banners: Ed Said on 9/11 The Failure of Muslim Societies Brutality Smeared in Peanut Butter Burhanuddin Rabbani's Faizabad, Mamur Hassan's Dasht-e-Qala Jon Lee Anderson's letters from the Anti-Taliban front lines Green Birds of Paradise Nasra Hassan talks to the suicide bombers The Six-Day War Former US Ambassador's 1967 list of the Israeli and Arab myths that fuel conflict Barak's Generous Offer The bottom line on last year's Israeli-Palestinian negotiations at Camp David The Iraq Agenda Seymour Hersh has the scoop on what's next for Saddam Crying for Argentina Paul Krugman opines that the IMF screwed Argentina The rise of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Ahmed Rashid traces recent events and sees grim portent Debt to Society How did the Land of the Free become the world's leading jailer? You won't break them Breyten Breytenbach's open letter to Ariel Sharon Shocked for the Wrong Reasons The Jerusalem Post opines Le Pen is no threat Official Terror The Village Voice special -- America's attack on civil liberties On History's Ash Heap? May Day obituary to Socialism from the WSJ Words of War Bob Ellis on his ever-lengthening anthology of American euphemisms What Bush's "war on terror" is really about Anthony Arnove interviews Howard Zinn Free Market Fraud JK Galbraith in The Progressive Magazine The Push For War Anatol Lieven considers what the US Administration hopes to gain Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence Martin Luther King's speech on American polity a year before his assassination. A Visit to North Korea Suki Kim goes to Chosun In Iraqi Kurdistan Tim Judah watches the Kurds prepare for war 'Jus in Bello', Iraq and the US Michael Byer on the Laws of War, US-Style Iraq FAQ Dilip Hiro compiles 'what you should know.' about the accusations against Iraq Only in America Norman Mailer on Bush's moral calculation -- a hung jury in the afterworld Will the Iraqi Army fight? Amir Taheri looks at 'how' and 'when' Idealism and the World Order Anatole Kaletsky looks for a new Palmerston Dark Moment Desmond Tutu and Ian Urbina reflect on War Baghdad is Burning 'What more can we say?' (translate) Reporters' Log Despatches from Iraq Apocalypse Now John Sutherland reports on The Rapture On the Front Lines Tim Judah continues his Kurdistan report Baghdad Diary Intrepid Iraqi (?) posts from Baghdad Scenes from the Carnage Robert Fisk reports on the collateral damage Mesopotamia, Babylon. The Tigris and Euphrates Arundhati Roy on the incineration of the cradle of civilization Fisk's War A collection of reportage from Baghdad by Robert Fisk A Trap Of Their Own Making Anatole Lieven on the new imperialism The Academy of Lagado Edward Said on Lewis, Ajami, and the "most reckless war in modern times." So where are the WMD? Rupert Cornwell on a 'minor embarrassment' Dare we say the 'F' word? US post-war effort in Iraq close to a fiasco. The Globalization of Migration Control Why can capital flow freely, but not people? America Goes Backward Stanley Hoffman on Bush's depressing record Unprovoked Invasion of A Sovereign Nation Statement delivered on the Senate floor by Senator Robert Byrd A Road Map to Where? Edward Said on the Bush/Sharon 'vision' in the LRB The Unraveling of Tony Blair John Pilger thinks crimes do not melt away For Empire's Sake Randeep Ramesh on Indians being asked to fight Iraqis Blood for Oil America and Britain commence looting Iraq's oil Death of an Usurper George Galloway, Labour MP, bids Blair 'hasta la vista' The Bushwhacking of America UN Inspector Scott Ritter's new book on the West Texas lynch-mob. Is Syria Next? Charles Glass examines the encirclement of Damascus Unbelievable Blair A neo-revisionist view of where Tony Blair went wrong The Anglophone Empire Can occupation ever work? Amitav Ghosh reflects The Loneliness of Noam Chomsky Arundhati Roy on the relevance of Noam Chomsky US Economic Folly Should Worry All Joseph Stiglitz on Bush's 'spectacular fiscal incompetence' An Occupied Country Howard Zinn: Not a liberation but a brutal and sadistic occupation Worried? Us? The world we were born into has gone. We shall never completely recapture its climate, its seasons, the way its plants grew and its animals lived .. Slaughter of Innocents Rory McCarthy describes the butchery of farmers by US hoods Cephu's Choice Is it natural for humans beings to want personal liberty? Or is it a peculiarly western concern? On The Job With A Taliban Recruiter Guess who're back? Every Time The Wind Blows Nir Rosen rides with US Cavalry in Iraq's far west Two Measures of American Desperation How progressive are Wes Clark and Howard Dean? How America Sees the World 'How much does imperious America know of the world it wants to shape?' (opinions) In The Streets of Londonistan The claim of the State that it is losing the never-ending, unprovable war with terror will result in a far greater prize. If Kerry's the Answer, What's the Question? William Blum is puzzled Apocalypse Please George Monbiot looks at the Deep South of the USA Coke or Pepsi? John Pilger looks closely at Kerry and Bush Twilight at Easter Jared Diamond draws lessons from Rapa Nui From L'Ouverture to Aristide Paul Farmer reports on the recent history of Haiti. Empire Notes Rahul Mahajan's blog from Iraq Sharon's Withdrawal Symptom Ilan Pappe warns that Israel is heading for disaster Out! Now! John Pilger weeps for Iraq How to get out of Iraq Different contributors opine in The Nation The Next Rwanda? Stephanie Nolan on Sudan's neglected nightmare; one opinion on what the US can do Osama & Bhindranwale Anil Athale explores similarities Europe vs. America Tony Judt on which of the two polities is living in the past Plan B Seymour Hersh reports on Israel's alignment with the Kurds Losing It , The Fighting Poets Nir Rosen reports from Fallujah Prologue to a Genocide Alex de Waal recounts the history of Darfur Grace Under Pressure Geoffrey Hiller's photoessay on Burma Hardball Kaveh Afrasiabi looks at Iran's Uranium enrichment choices Iraq: yesterday, today, tomorrow Saeed Naqvi on history repeating itself "History is no longer necessary" An interview with historian Eric Hobsbawm The Taming of Sadr City Michael Schwartz reports from Baghdad Garibi Hatao? George Monbiot compares two competing models of economic development Real Aid Upto 86% of 'aid' is phantom aid Bolivarian Revolutions ZNet Bolivia Watch page Journey of Mankind A significant theory on how people came to inhabit the earth (flash) The New Chauvinism George Monbiot on patriotism Domestic Violence in the World A new UN study on the most common form of violence against women How Does One Set A Fair Price? NGO volunteer on dilemma of fair price for immunodiagnostic products in Bangalore Beyond Petroleum Paul Driessen explores BP's makeover War Porn and Iraq David Swanson on the "trophy photos" from Iraq The Massacre at Qana Another shameful episode in the life of the Jewish nation Air War, Barbarity, and the Middle East Tom Engelhardt on the Israel-Hezbollah war The Queen Who Would be King New scholarship revises the story of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut The Israel Lobby: A Debate A video of a panel discussion on the influence of this 'lobby' How close to catastrophe? More thoughts on the climate crisis Managing Iraq's Collapse, Embracing the Nettles More on 'exit' from Iraq Living Hell Dahr Jamail on life in Baghdad The
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The Washington Report on Middle-East Affairs Al-Bab: Gateway to Arab History The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Islamic History, Philosophy and Scientific Thought Internet History Sourcebook Project Hot and Bothered (Articles on Global Warming) Nepal Maoist Peoples' War Group Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan Z Magazine A community of people committed to social change Welfare Association, INTERPAL Some Palestinian charities Counterpunch "America's Best Political Newsletter" Human Development Report 2002 UNDP scorecard on how nations and regions fare Global Gloom and Growing Anti-Americanism Survey of what the world thinks in 2002 A World Divided by War with Iraq Views of a changing world -- Global Opinions 2003 Chomsky's Blog Get your fix Neutral Observer VP, a "new kid on the blog"